OISDE support programs for East Timor had started on 2003
2004 to 2005 Japan Ministry of Foreign Affair NGO Partnership Project
2007 to 2008 JICA Grass-Root Technical Support Project
During implementing to East Timor, OISDE had been meet with a lot of troubls
No function in governmental systems including Ministry of Health that a jurisdiction authority
Frequent violence between different races after independence
Poor infrastructures…road, water suply, electricity, security, accommodations, foods…
Poor social infrastructures…medical suply, preventive programs, health centers, vaccine…
Prevalence infectious diseases…malaria, dengue, diarrhea
From 1974 to 1999
Unlowfull occupation by Indonesia
During this duration, over 70 percent natural woody in easten-half of Timor island destroyed by Chinese-Indonesian company
Sever deforestation in East Timor, produced very bad environment problems including water, plantation, sae, fishing and so on…
Santa cruz massacre
11th November,1991 in dill, Indonesian police indiscriminate fire for demonstrators who cry independence. And over 400 citizens were killed…